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    President Obama - Lessons of Success

    فارس الليل
    فارس الليل

    President Obama - Lessons of Success Stars6

    الجنس : ذكر
    البرج : الدلو
    عدد المشاركات : 2473
    العمر : 38
    البلد : خاراسي - الصين
    الحالة الاجتماعية : خاطب
    التخصص : Prepaid Systems Manager
    نقاط النشاط : 836
    الاعجاب : 12
    المهنة : President Obama - Lessons of Success Engine10
    المزاج : President Obama - Lessons of Success Yragb11
    الدوله : فلسطين

    البطاقة الشخصية
    my sms:

    President Obama - Lessons of Success Empty President Obama - Lessons of Success

    مُساهمة من طرف فارس الليل الإثنين 10 نوفمبر 2008 - 10:47

    President Obama - Lessons of Success

    really don't care too much when it comes to voting in the US
    presidential elections because, frankly, I'm Canadian *smile*. But the
    story of Obama is a modern day story of success that repeats again and
    again for those who understand the principles of success.

    Here are three of those principles based on Obama's rise to Presidency today…
    One: Not everyone has to vote for you
    A very successful man once said, "I don't know what the secret to
    success is, but I do know the secret to failure: trying to please
    everyone." You do NOT need everyone to vote for you, you need the
    majority (and in the case of entrepreneurs, a small minority is enough
    to make you a million bucks).

    Stop trying to cater to everyone. Don't try to please old and young,
    rich and poor, Republicans and Democrats… focus instead on those who
    will vote for you in life. Take care of them, and they'll take care of

    Two: Just because no one has done it in the past, doesn't mean it cannot be done
    When setting out on your goals, you may not find anyone who has done
    what you are planning to do. You may incorrectly come to the conclusion
    that it cannot be done because of the past history. But remember: every
    creation of Allah has a beginning.

    And once it has been done once, it will be easy to duplicate.
    If your dreams are something that hasn't been done before, then let
    me give you the glad tidings that when you succeed, in sha Allah, your
    victory will give "permission" for other leaders to imagine what is

    Three: Don't listen to the nay-Sayers
    I was listening, last year, to "experts" commenting on the presidential
    election, and I distinctly remember the "expert" explicitly point out
    how America would never ever elect an African American to be their

    I wonder what that "expert" is saying now.
    Take intelligent counsel but always put your heart into what you are
    doing. In the end, if you open your mind and listen to your heart… you
    can't go wrong, in sha Allah.

      مواضيع مماثلة


      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الأحد 29 سبتمبر 2024 - 6:41